Personal reflections, impressions, and observations on the real and the imaginary that make up my world of perception.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is this the end of the Postman's bike?

On the grounds that the postman’s traditional bicycle is no longer able to do the job expected of it because it cannot cope with the much greater volume of mail that our lovable postie is now called upon to deliver, the Royal Mail (the British Post Office for our non-British friends) is planning to ditch Old Faithful (the bike, not the postman) and replace it with some new-fangled motorised mini-van or other four-wheeler with a greater mail-carrying capacity. It might look something like this...

... or this...

Or neither.
Yet this new technology would be totally unnecessary if the Royal Mail would just take a few tips from other countries where the potential of the trusty environment-friendly bicycle is fully exploited. Take a look at the picture below. With just a modicum of ingenuity and a dash of entrepreneurial initiative, the problem is solved overnight without the need to scrap anything or spend vast amounts of money to put something in its place.

Surely this is the way to go? It's just a question of maximising one's resources and making the most of one's options. True, the traditional Royal Mail bike would have to be tweaked a little here and there, posties might need a little re-training, but the changes would be minimal and the cost negligeable.

So what do you say, Royal Mail? Is this in with a chance? Is this a winning solution?

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