Personal reflections, impressions, and observations on the real and the imaginary that make up my world of perception.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Awful Predicaments

Dear oh dear, some days just don't start right! This poor old polar bear is hanging on to that knob-end of ice for dear life, but it's not looking hopeful. Another couple of hours at most and that stub of ice will have melted beneath him and he'll be in the drink. And I think he knows it despite the look of feigned nonchalance! I just wonder whether he has a Plan B as he clings to his ice mushroom while he takes stock of his situation. If Plan B is for him to sink gracefully below the waves and drown, he's on to a winner, but if he hopes to come out of this predicament alive and kicking he'll have to come up with something pretty sharpish.

His options are distinctly limited. He can wait for a passing ship to spot him and rescue him - unlikely to say the least. He can sit tight in the hope that a larger ice-flow drifts his way - chances of this are slim as the knob of ice he's on hasn't got long to go. Or he can make a dash for it and try to swim his way back to firmer land. As we cannot see the bigger picture, it's impossible to know how feasible this is. And, frankly, he doesn't seem to have set his mind to the task. Nonchalance is all very well but some situations call for action. But maybe he's bypassed Plan B altogether for Plan C. Pray for a miracle! Not very practical, but it does give the comforting illusion of there being a number of alternative plans and therefore a chance of survival.

Well, there we must leave our intrepid Mr Bear as he ponders his fate in this vast expanse of ice-cold sea and perhaps devises a way to get out of this fix. But maybe he doesn't need to come up with anything and rescue is close at hand. After all, he's been caught on film, so what does that tell us?!

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