Personal reflections, impressions, and observations on the real and the imaginary that make up my world of perception.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Beyond a bridge somewhere...

Beyond a bridge, that leads the way,
between tall and slender arching trees
that line a long and winding forest road,
there is a spot, they say, where light,
bursting thru with such force and focus,
with such palpable intensity and blaze,
has spawned effects defying nature's law,
reason, and the teachings of experience;

but more than this the rumours also speak
of a strange beam of wondrous flaming light
that, as though heaven-sent, swift descends
to wreak such magic on passing folk
who later speak of having felt a force,
of being swiftly borne aloft above the trees,
of looking down from high on all below,
held there as though by an unseen hand,
for a span of time as none are able to agree
until, as by some magic unknown to man,
they find themselves again on terra firma,
on the selfsame spot now dark in shade,
quite unable to make sense of that which
sense defies by any human measure known,
or any other means conceived to understand
the nature of the seemingly unnatural,
of a beam of blinding light that takes
and lifts and flings and holds quite still,
before it loosens, lets slide to freely flow
back to where moments before one stood
full bathed in the hush of a heavenly light.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Return of Spring

Spring returns bright and fresh of face,
shedding light upon the waking earth,
inciting growth from dormant life,
pledging plenty after winter’s dearth.

Spring is here and nature’s stirring,
days are warmer, nights are milder;
timid shoots poke above the ground,
welcoming the beetle and the spider.

Skies are bluer, clouds are thinner,
the sun shines longer, ever brighter;  
there is a warm freshness in the air
that makes the human spirit lighter.

Daffodil and daisy, the crocus too,
decorate garden, field and every park,
and add welcome colour and beauty
to the song of the robin and the lark.

Spring is here and change is in the air,
with bud and blossom on bush and tree;
it’s time to mark the change of season,
to change our clothes and break out free!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Just Hanging Around

I’m just hanging around,
I’m at the end of my rope,
there’s nothing to live for,
I’ve run out of hope.

I’m just hanging around,
I’m at a loose end,
can’t hang on anymore,
I’m going round the bend.

Bye, cruel world!

I’m just hanging around,
but it won’t be too long
before I’m all done here
with this same old song.

I’m just hanging around,
it’s pathetic, I know,
but what else can I do,
it’s the end of the show.

I’m just hanging around,
but now I’m starting to choke,
so, look, before it’s too late,
a fond farewell to all you folk!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Before me the Word...

Open wide the Bible rests upon its perch,
its pages full of ancient tales and teachings,
its heavy legacy grown heavier with time,
its mass more ponderous with the dust of age.
Before me, the Word of God, set down by man,
beside it a burning candle to illumine the Word,
around me the dense darkness of the void.

The Word, the Flame, the Light of the World.

I can go into that Light, embrace that Word,
or I can turn away and melt back into the dark.
There is no easy way, no choice free of doubt;
either way the path is long and winding,
and fraught with trials and tribulations.

The darkness, the candle flame, the stillness,
and in their midst the Word writ upon the page.
And a soft sweet holy chant born in my mind,
gently welling within me, gentle but strong,
fills me as I stand in the darkness before the Word
that illumines the Light that illumines the Word
that feeds the soul with the breath of the Spirit…

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Waiting for Christmas...

Part of the Christmas magic

Christmas had come and been and gone, 

the candles had lived out their life and were no more,

the baubles were in a plastic bag and so was the tinsel,

all stored up in the hold-all loft to hibernate away,

keeping company with a thousand and one other things,

some there for a short while, others for rather longer,

all shrouded in unbroken darkness and silence.. for now,

until one fine day they might be sought out again, 

some to serve as they had done before, but some.. 

some to be cast out and to serve no more.

For the Christmas things their time would come again,

twelve months was not so long to wait, and then…

then they would shine again, then the party would begin again,

then they would glitter and glint again, bathed in fairy light

and in the special magic that was forever Christmas.