Personal reflections, impressions, and observations on the real and the imaginary that make up my world of perception.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Stained Glass

Stained glass, especially on a window in a church or other public building, is something that captivates me. The colours, the patterns, the workmanship, the quality of the glass, all combine to produce a beautiful and entrancing effect. And though we still tend to associate stained glass with religious buildings, it is to be found in all kinds of edifices, including dwellings. Needless to say, I love to see it in churches and chapels and cathedrals and the like, and I feel that it really adds a certain awe that heightens the religious experience, but I also love to see it in lots of other environments. Below are four examples of non-religious stained-glass designs which are beautiful and powerful and charming in their own individual way.

For me, this example of a stained-glass window is magical. It combines stained patterns with plain glass which allows us to see through the window and at the same time adds natural colours to the magic of the design. It is an enchanting scene, full of movement, which of course changes with the change in the seasons. It is a successful marriage between the crafted design and the natural world and I love to stare at it and through it.

A more unusual stained-glass design with a clear African motif that conjures images of African tribal culture, carved figures and masks, face paint and other elements of African tribal art. It is a clever melding of one culture with another, both very distinctive and very different, yet it comes off beautifully and the end result is very pleasing. The colours are strong and uncompromising and represent the rawness of the society from which the inspiration has been taken.

This is another one of my favourites. It uses primary colours such as red, blue and green, to create a very pleasing colour composition that sets off beautifully the two doves which, although unstained, serve as a striking and effective contrast to the rest of the design. The overal effect is fresh and cool and effectively conveys the season. Apart from the bit of red and brown, one gets the sense of the cold season and the doves are a symbol of peace and hope.

Now this last composition is, I think, in sharp contrast to the previous ones. The amount of colour in it is minimal and subtle and creates a peaceful and reassuring effect, letting in at the same time plenty of light that gives life to the natural colours employed in this design. It is beautiful in its frugality and, if it graces the entrance to a home, it creates a charming initial impression and suggestion of the kind of ambience that might be expected within. Delightful.

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